Note: The second reading of this bill will be on April 24th. Feel free to use this letter as a template and send to the addresses below letter. Also include your own representatives. State Senator Menendez and State Representative Bernal are already aware and have committed to working against its passage. For more information, please read “A Perspective on HB 2162
April 18, 2019
Dear Members of the Legislature,
We write to you as a coalition of 56 San Antonio neighborhoods and 16 partner organizations to express our opposition to HB 2730 and its companion, SB 2162.
The Texas Citizen’s Participation Act (TCPA), signed into law in 2011 and updated in 2013, was designed to protect the average citizen’s rights to free speech and participation in government from Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP). Just last year, the Texas Supreme Court opined that the TCPA has a “unique role in protecting the democratic process that allows our state to function.”
HB 2730, and its companion SB 1488, would strip away key protections from the existing law and would leave the average citizen vulnerable to financial ruin by meritless lawsuits filed by plaintiffs with deep pockets. Healthy public debate would be quickly replaced with silence as advocates and citizens who speak on matters of public concern would lose the protection provided by the TCPA. Citizens should not be forced into silence simply because an opposing party can outspend them while navigating the legal system.
We ask that you help us preserve our First Amendment rights and allow us to continue to be an effective voice for neighborhoods by joining us in our opposition to this bill.
Tier One Neighborhood Coalition Steering Committee
Cosima Colvin, Christine Drennon, Tony Garcia, Homer “Butch” Hayes, Cullen Jones, Ricki Kushner, Velma Pena, Cynthia Spielman, Amelia Valdez, and Theresa Ybanez
Committee Members: (Author) (Author)
Read more at NowCastSA here